Big Sexy Wins Player of the Week

The Whaler's Tucker Garrity-Van-Hanchett has won Player of the Week(POW) voting for his performance on November 15th. "Big Sexy" as he's called took home 50% of the votes for putting up a 20 Save Shutout on the Lumberjacks in a 10-0 throttling. Congrats Tucker!

Other Nominees:
25% - Max Woods - Gamblers - 2 goals in a 4-3 Loss to Tuck
10% - Dan Venard - Whalers - 1 goal & 4 assists in 10-0 Win over Jacks
8% - Marshal Jenkins - Tuck - 3 goals allowed on 32 saves in 4-3 win over Gamblers
5% - Ean Small - Whalers - 3 goals & 1 assist against Lumberjacks.

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